Anesthetized - Cf. "Feeling no
Angel-altogether - "Angels altogether" are habitual drunkards.
Annihilated - Extremely drunk. Often used by the comedy team Cheech and
Antifreezed - "Antifreeze" is slang for booze.
Antiseptic - Possibly because alcohol (rubbing alcohol, not the drinking
kind) is sometimes used as an antiseptic.
A.O.B. - Abbreviation for "alcohol on breath." Police
terminology indicating that a suspect has been imbibing.
Ape drunk
Aped - US. Cf. "Wine of ape."
Apple palsy - Extremely intoxicated. Means drunk on apple jack, or liquor
made from apple cider. US, late 1800s - early 1900s.
Arf an' arf - "Half and
half," slightly drunk. Also, "arf
an' arf" is ale mixed with porter. Also, an "'arf" is a half-pint of booze. Cockney, since the early 1800s.
Arfarfanarf - "Half, half and half," very drunk. Means one has
had too many "'arfs" (see above). Cockney, late 1800s - early 1900s.
Arfarfanark - Variation of the above.
Arm-bending - Cf. "Bent one's elbow."
Arseholed - See following term.
Arseholes/Arse-holes - Extremely drunk. From "Pissed as arseholes." Since the 1400s.
A-showin' it
As drunk as they make 'em - Utterly drunk. Since the mid 1800s.
As full as a goog - "Goog" is a variation of the northern English slangword "goggie," meaning an egg.
As good conditioned as a puppy - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
As wise as Solomon
Ashed - From the sputtering, stammering speech of a drunkard: "Ash-ash-ash-"
Ashed as a rat - Elaboration of the above. Cf. "Drunk as a
Ass backwards - Confused. From the phrase's sense of "in a
confused manner."
Ass on backwards
Ass over tit
A-tappin' the bottle
At a booze fest
At ease
At one's cups - Cf. "In one's
At one's ease
At peace with the floor
At rest - British euphemism from the 1800s.
At rights
Ate the dog - Cf. "Killed the
Awash - Full of liquid, drowning in booze. Possibly a shortening of
"Decks awash" (cf.). 1900s.
Awry-eyed - Cockeyed drunk. US, early 1900s. Cf. "Hoary-eyed."
Babalas - Tipsy. From Ndebele "babarasi," meaning drunk or
suffering a hangover. Used by the Rhodesian Light Infantry.
Bacchanalian - From Bacchus, the Roman god of wine.
"Bacchanals" is a drunken carouse.
Bacchi plenus - Full of Bacchus (Latin). Cf. "Drunk as
Bacchus." British & US, since the 1800s.
Back-assward - Cf. "Ass backwards."
Back-handed - To "back hand" means to drink more than one's
share. Also, a "back-hand" is an extra drink.
Back home
Back teeth afloat - Indicates that one has a strong urge to urinate, as
if the level of liquid in one's body has reached the teeth. The original
meaning is that one is intoxicated; the fact that drinking beer in quantity
gives one the urge to relieve oneself often gave rise to its second meaning.
Back teeth well afloat
Backed - "Dead" drunk. Because one has been placed on one's
Backed up - Possibly related to "backed" for "dead,"
or originated as drug slang.
Bagged - A "bag" is a pot of beer. To "put on the
bag" means to drink. Or, this term may come from "bag" in the
sense to "kill." US, 1900s.
Baked - Possibly originated in drug culture. Alternately, may be from
this word's sense of "exhausted" or "collapsed." Cf.
"Fried." Since circa 1910.
Ball-dozed - Befuddled by drink. Play on "Bull-dozed."
Australian, since circa 1942.
Balmy - Sleepy, or a little bit mad. A variation of "Barmy."
US, since the mid 1800s.
Bamboozled - Made a fool, in this case by drunkenness. From this word's
meaning of "cheated" or "swindled." US, since the 1800s.
Bang through the elephant - May be related to "Bang up to the elephant," a phrase meaning "perfect, complete, unapproachable."
Banged up on sauce
Banged up to the eyes - Mid 1800s to early 1900s.
Banjaxed - Variation of "Banjanxed."
Banjanxed - From Irish term for "broken," "ruined,"
"messed up" or "out of order." May be "banged
(about)" plus "smashed."
Baptized - Saturated with liquor. US nonce, mid 1900s. Cf.
Bar kissing
Barfy - Probably means drunk and throwing up.
Barley sick/Barleysick - "Barley broth" and "oil of
barley" both mean strong beer.
Barmy - "Barm" is the froth that rises to the top of fermented
grains or fruit and yeast after the mixture has fermented. Today it more often
means "crazy" or "air-headed." Or, it originally meant
"crazy," meaning that it was probably inspired by the County Kent
mental institution at Barming.
Barrel fever
Barreled - To "barrel" means to drink to excess.
Barreled-up - US, 1900s.
Barrelhouse - Probably a shortening of the next term.
Barrelhouse drunk - Heavily intoxicated, almost blotto. A barrelhouse is
a sleazy tavern. US, early 1900s.
Bashed - Possibly from "bash" as in "party."
Bashing - Drinking heavily.
Bashing it
Basted - In the sense of having liquid poured upon oneself. US, 1900s.
Bats - Cf. "Batty."
Batted - Given to debauchery. US, 1900s.
Battered - Cf. "Basted"; suggests that one has been roughly
handled. US, since the mid 1800s.
Batty - From "bat," a drunken carouse. US, 1900s.
Beargered/Be-argered - Quarrelsomely drunk. British & US, since the
Bearing one's blushing honors thick upon one - Having the red face of a
drunk. Appears in Shakespeare's Henry VIII. Cf. "Has one's
flag out."
Bearing the ensign - See "Flying the
Beastly drunk - Exceedingly drunk. Circa 1600, Thomas Nashe described
seven kinds of drunkards: "The ape-drunk, who leaps and sings; the lion-drunk,
who is quarrelsome; the swine-drunk, who is sleepy and puking; the sheep-drunk,
wise in his own conceit but unable to speak; the martin-drunk, who drinks
himself sober again; the goat-drunk, who is lascivious; and the fox-drunk,
who is crafty."
Beating up against an ale-head wind - Tacking (changing direction) all
over the place. An "ale-head wind" is a drunken sailor. Cf.
"Making Virginia fence." Nautical, since the 1800s.
Beautifully lit
Been among the Philippines/Philippians
Been among the Philistines - A "Philistine" is a drunkard. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Been at a plowing match
Been at an Indian feast - Early 1700s. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Been at Geneva - "Geneva" or "Geneva print" is slang
for gin.
Been at the Scriveners and learned to make indentures - Refers to the
staggering gait and difficulty in standing. Cf. "Making indentures with
one's legs." Tavern term.
Been barring too much
Been before George - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Been bit by a barn mouse - See "Bitten by a barn
Been bitten by the tavern bitch - See "Tavern bitch has bitten one
on the head."
Been crooking the elbow - See "Bent one's
Been driving the brewer's horse - See "Driving the brewer's horse."
Been drowning the shamrock - See "Drowning the
Been elephants - Cf. "Seeing pink elephants," "Elephant's
Been flying rather high
Been having the eyes opened - See "Having the eyes
Been in a storm
Been in southern California too long
Been in the bibbing pot - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Been in the cellar
Been in the crown office - Here, "crown office" may refer to
one's head. Cf. "In the upper
Been in the sauce
Been in the sun - Refers to the reddened appearance of a drunk. Cf.
"Has the sun in one's eyes."
Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Been in the sunshine - Since the early 1900s.
Been lapping (in) the gutter - See "Lapping the
gutter." Also,
cf. "In the gutter."
Been lifting the little finger
Been looking through a glass - Mid 1800s to early 1900s.
Been looking through rose-colored glasses
Been making fun
Been making Ms and Ts - Staggering. Cf. "Making Ms and Ws."
Been on sentry - See "On sentry."
Been standing too long in the sun
Been talking to Jamie Moore
Been there and back
Been to a funeral - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Been to/at Barbados - Barbados is whence rum comes.
Been to Bungay Fair - Shortening of following term. Or, perhaps, the
following is an elaboration of this. Cf. "Gone to Bungay Fair."
Been to Bungay Fair and broke both one's legs - Possibly an elaborate pun on
"bung" or an extension of the above.
Been to France - Early 1700s. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Been to Jehrico
Been to Mexico - See "Gone to
Been to Olympus - Mount Olympus is home to the Greek and Roman gods,
including Dionysus/Bacchus, god of wine.
Been to the saltwater
Been too free - Possibly a contraction of one of the following.
Been too free with Sir John - Either Sir John Goa or Sir John Strawberry.
Also, in Irish slang a "Johnnie" is a drink of whisky.
Been too free with Sir John Barleycorn - See "A date with John Barleycorn."
Been too free with Sir John Strawberry - Sir John Strawberry is a cousin
of Sir John Barleycorn.
Been too free with Sir Richard - Cf. "Sir Richard has taken off one's
considering cap."
Been too free with the creature - "The creature" is liquor. See
Been too free with the strawberry
Been trying Taylor's best
Been with Sir John Goa
Beerified - US, 1900s. "Beeriness" is near-intoxication.
Beering - To "beer" means to drink beer, or to get drunk.
Beering up - Drinking a lot of beer, esp. drinking enough to get drunk. A
"beer-up" is a drinking spree.
Beery - Fuddled with beer. Since the mid 1800s.
Befuddled - The Oxford English Dictionary traces this word as far back as
the 1500s.
Beginning to fly
Beginning to get a glow on - Cf. "Glowing."
Beginning to stagger
Behind juice
Behind the cork - Patterned on the phrase "Behind the 8-ball."
US, 1900s.
Behind the scenes - Dead drunk.
Belligerent - College slang.
Belly up - Dead drunk. From cowboy slang for "dead."
Below the mahogany - The "mahogany" is the wood of which the
bar is made. Cf. "Under the
Belted - From "belt," a drink of liquor, esp. one that is
consumed quickly. To "belt" is to drink, esp. vigorously and often.
"Belt" is obsolete slang for "swallow." Also, a
"belt" is the euphoria following consumption of alcohol.
Belting the grape - Imbibing heavily, getting a buzz. Normally applied to
wine, but can be used for any alcoholic beverage. US, mid 1900s.
Bemused - In the stupid stage of drunkenness. From the word's meaning
of "confused." 1700s to 1800s.
Bemused with/in beer
Bending one's/the elbow - "See Bent one's elbow."
Bending over
Bending the elbow too much - Drinking to excess. Since circa 1905.
Ben-/Bene-bowsie - Drunk, esp. with good wine. "Bene bowse" is
good liquor. The cant term "benbouse" refers to beer.
Bent - College slang. A "bend" or "bender" is a
drinking spree. To "bend" means to drink hard.
Bent one-s/an elbow - Has been imbibing. To "bend one's
elbow" means to partake of liquor, usually whisky, esp. heavily.
"Elbow bending" means drinking alcohol, and an "elbow
bender" is a souse.
Bent and broken
Bent like shrimp
Bent out of shape - Very drunk, stoned.
Benused - Possibly a variation of "Bemused," suggesting
"been used."
Bet one-s kettle
Better if one-s gone twice after the same load
Betty booped
Bevied/Bevvied - From "bevie" or "bevvy," slang for
"beverage," used esp. for beer. To "bevie" or "bevvy
up" means to drink alcohol, esp. beer. British & US army use since
the late 1800s.
Bewitched - Primarily US, has been around since the early 1700s.
Beyond salvage
Beyond the fringe
Bezzled - To "bezzle" is to drink greedily in British dialect.
Since the early 1600s.
Biargered - Modern version of "Beargered."
Bibacious - "Bibacity" is a craving for alcohol. Early 1600s.
Bibamus papaliter - See "Drunk as a
Bibulous - Mid 1800s.
Biffed - Possibly related to "biff," to kill or hit; or a
variation of "Biffy."
Biffy - Variant of "Buffy," or a combination of
"bosky" with "tipsy" or "squiffy." British &
US, 1900s.
Biggy - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Biled - Regional variation of "Boiled."
Biled as an owl
Billygoat - Term popular with a small British army unit in Hong Kong. Cf.
"Stiff as a goat," "Drunk as forty
Binged - Having been on a drinking binge. "Binge" may come from
"bingo," slang for liquor, esp. brandy; it comes from "b"
for "brandy" plus "stingo," British slang for strong
booze. This term means
"eccentric" as well.
Bingoe/Bingoed/Bingo'd - Having drunk too much "bingo."
British & US society and underground, early 1900s.
Bipped out - Jersey City slang.
Bit by a barn weasel - Tavern term, 1670-1700.
Bit by a fox
Bit on - Tipsy.
Bit one's grannam - Heavily inebriated. Tavern term.
"Grannam" is slang for corn. Since circa 1650.
Bit one's name in - See "Biting one's name in."
Bit teed - This and the rest of the "bit" terms mean slightly
Bit teed up
Bit tiddley
Bit tipsy
Bit wobbly
Bitch-fou - See "Fou."
Biting in/into the brute - Getting drunk.
Biting the brute
Biting one's grannam - Very drunk. See "Bit one's grannam."
Mid 1600s to 1700s.
Biting one's name in - Drinking heavily or greedily.
Biting them off - To "bite one off" means to have a drink of
strong liquor.
Bitten by a barn mouse - Tipsy. Possibly an allusion to barley.
Black jacked - Probably from "black jack," a jug made of jacked
Blacked out - Unconscious.
Bladdered - Scottish slang
Blah - Blind drunk. Since circa 1930.
Blank - Shortening of "Blanked." British army slang.
Blanked/Blank-ed - Tipsy. Derived from French "vin blanc,"
white wine. British & US slang during both World Wars.
Blasé - Satiated with (drunken) pleasure.
Blasted - Very drunk. From drug slang. US, 1900s.
Blazing drunk
Blazing fou
Bleary-eyed - US, 1900s.
Blew out - Very drunk. College slang.
Blewed - Variant of "Blued."
Blimped - Gorged and swollen. US, since the mid 1900s.
Blind - Very drunk. A "blind" is a very drunken spree. Cf.
"Blinded." Since the early 1600s.
Blind as a bat
Blind as a beetle
Blind as a boiled/biled owl
Blind as a mole
Blind as an owl
Blind as Chloe - Utterly drunk. See "Drunk as
Chloe." 1780 to
Blind chance
Blind drunk - Deeply intoxicated. US and British, since the late 1700s.
Blind-fou - Scottish. See "Fou."
Blind, staggering drunk
Blind staggers - Blotto. From term for extreme intoxication. Australian.
Blind to the world - Possibly a variation on "Dead to the
Blinded - Very drunk. From the fact that homemade brews occasionally
cause blindness. Also, a "blind" or "blinder" is a drunken
spree. US, 1900s.
Blinders - Extremely drunken. British (esp. Oxford University), since
circa 1930.
Blindo/Blind-O - A "blindo" is a drunken spree. British (esp.
army) & US, since the 1800s and still in use at least as late as the
Blinking drunk - "Blinking" is a British euphemism for
"bloody" (see "Bloody drunk"). British army use.
Blinky - A "bit of blink" is a drink. Cf. "Scotch
mist," "Brahms & Liszt," etc.
Blissed out - In a state of exhilaration or blissful ecstasy
Blistered - Tipsy. Australian, since circa 1910.
Blithered - Tipsy. Australian, since the early 1900s.
Blitzed - College student use. Possibly a variation of
"Bombed"; suggests the devastation of the German blitzes during
World War II. US, since the mid 1900s.
Blitzed out
Bloated - Overfilled with drink. Also, a "bloat" or
"bloater" is a drunkard.
Block and block - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Block and fall - Irritably drunk. Anglo-Irish, 1900s.
Blocked - Because intoxication "blocks out" everything. To
"block out" means to get stoned. May have originated as drug slang.
British & US, mid 1900s.
Blonked - Variation of "Blanked."
Bloody drunk - In Great Britain, "bloody" is roughly equivalent
to "damn" or "damned" in the US when used as an intensive.
It is believed to be a corruption of "by our lady."
Blootered - Scottish slang
Blotted - Cf. Following.
Blotto - Dead drunk. A "blotter" is a drunkard. From the
absorbency of blotting paper; possibly influenced by "Motto." Or,
because drunkenness tends to "blot" out one's memory. British
& US, since circa 1912.
Blowed - A "blow" is a drunken spree.
Blowed-away - US, since the mid 1900s.
Blowing - Drinking intemperately.
Blowing beer bubbles
Blown - From the term for an exhausted horse.
Blown away - Deeply intoxicated. Possibly originated as a drug term.
Blown out - Possibly derived from drug slang. Also, a "blow
out" is a drinking spree or wild party. "Blow one" is slang for
"Give me a beer."
Blown over
Blown up - From the feeling of pressure in one's head. Cf. "Got on
one's little hat." US, since the mid 1800s.
Blowsed up - Possibly from drug slang.
Blue - From the "blue devils," or delirium tremens; or from
post-alcoholic depression. Alternately, a "blue" is a drunken binge
or a riotous night. Since the early 1800s.
Blue around the gills
Blue-eyed - US, mid 1800s.
Blued - May have influenced "Screwed" and "Slewed."
To "drink 'til all looks blue" is to get thoroughly drunk. British
& US, since the 1800s.
Blunk - Half drunk; stuporous. "Blind" plus "Drunk."
Blurred and fogged with moonshine
Bob & Dick - Shortening of the following.
Bob, Harry & Dick - Sick, esp. after drinking.
Boggy - Drugged or muddled. Ozark dialect.
Boiled - Tipsy. One source says it originated among Australian oil
prospectors. Cf. "Baked," "Fried," etc. Since the late
Boiled as an owl - Cf. "Drunk as a boiled
owl." British &
US, since the late 1800s.
Boiled as owls
Boiled to the gills
Boiling drunk - Heavily intoxicated. Patterned after "boiling
mad." US, 1900s.
Bokoo soused - Very drunk. "Bokoo" is a corruption of French
"beaucoup," meaning "much" or "a great deal."
Bollixed/Bolloxed - Derived from "bollixed up," meaning messed up, which
comes from British slang "bollixed up Rawson." Also, to
"bollix" means to bungle.
Bombed - Extremely drunk. "Bombo" or "bumbo" is a
type of punch. US, 1900s.
Bombed as Dresden - Ghoulish elaboration of "Bombed," as are
the following.
Bombed as Hiroshima
Bombed as London
Bombed as Nagasaki
Bombed out - Very intoxicated. Possibly from drug slang.
Bombed out of one's kugs
Bombed out of one's mind
Bombed out of one's skull
Boned - Tipsy. Possibly from "boned" as in "hit on the
head." Cf. "Ossified." British society use, since the early
Bongo - US, since the mid 1900s.
Bongoed/Bongo'd - US, since the mid 1900s.
Bongy - Possibly from a misprint of "Bousy."
Bonkers - Slightly intoxicated, light-headed. British military, early
Booed and hissed - Rhyming slang for "Pissed."
Boosed - Cf. the following.
Boosy - From "boose," an old variation of "booze."
Cf. "Boozy."
Booze blind
Boozed - To "booze" is to drink liquor, esp. whisky, usu.
heavily. A "booze is a drinking spree." The etymology of
"booze" is uncertain; one theory is that it comes from Old Dutch
"buyzen" via Old English "bouse." The literal meaning of
these two words is "to drink deeply." Another assumption is that it
is a corruption of a German root for "to drink." Still another
hypothesis is that it comes from the name of Edmund G. Booz a Philadelphia
importer and dealer of spirits who sold his goods in a distinctive bottle that
resembled a two-story log cabin. These bottles came to be known as Booz
bottles. This last theory is doubtful, as
"booze" or some variant thereof has been around as far back as the
1500s (see "Boozy"). Since the 1800s.
Boozed as the gage - See "Gauged." Also, "gage" may
refer to a chamber pot. Early 1700s. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Boozed the gage
Boozed-up - To "booze up" means to drink a lot of liquor. A
"booze-up" is a drinking spree. First recorded in Australia circa
Boozified - From the British nonce "boozify," meaning to make
Boozing it up - Drinking hard liquor, usu. to the point of intoxication.
Boozing the/one's jib
Boozing up the lone's jib - Drinking heavily.
Boozing the/one's tip
Boozing up one's jib-stay - Nautical.
Boozy/Boozie/Boozey - Mildly drunk. Since the early 1500s.
Borracho/Boracho - From "borracho," a skin - usu. of a goat
- for holding wine, and by extension a drunkard. The wicked Borachio of
Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing gets his name from this term.
Originally Spanish.
Bosco/Bosko absoluto - Dead drunk. Mock Latin.
Boshy - "Bosky" pronounced as if one is intoxicated. British
Bosky - Almost drunk, tipsy. Possibly from "bosk," a thicket,
and thus alluding to the obscurity of thickly wooded country. Dates from circa
1730; still in British army slang in the 1920s.
Both sheets in the wind - See "Three sheets in the
Nautical, 1900s.
Bottle-ached - "Bottle-ache" is drunkenness or a hangover.
British, since the 1800s.
Bottled - Tipsy. The "bottle" is liquor or addiction to
intoxicants. A "bottle baby" is a drunkard. British & US society
use, 1900s.
Bottled up
Bottoms up
Bought the black sun
Bought the sack - From "sack," a generic term for white wines
from Spain. 1720 to 1840.
Bouncing it off - Drinking heartily. "Bouncing" means on a
spree. 1650 to 1750.
Bousy/Bowsy/Bowzy - "Bouse" is a variation of
'Bout had it
Bowing to the bottle - Imbibing intemperately.
Bowzed/Bowsed/Bowz'd - Variant of "Boozed." A "bouse" or
"bowse" is a drunken spree. Early 1700s.
Bowzered - Early 1700s.
Boxed - To "box (it) about" means to drink briskly. US, mid
Boxed out - Totally free and uninhibited. Possibly derived from drug
Boxed up - US, mid 1900s.
Braced - Possibly from "bracer," a drink of alcohol; or a
shortening of "Has spliced the main
brace." To "brace up"
means to take a drink.
Brahms - Shortening of the following.
Brahms & Liszt - Tipsy. Rhyming slang for "Pissed."
Brain dead
Brandy faced - A "brandy face" is a drunkard. Refers to the
redness of the face. Cf. "Glowing," "Has one's flag
Breaky leg - Refers to the weakness in one's legs, or to one of the
hazards of staggering about drunk. "Breaky-leg" is any intoxicating
Breath strong enough to carry coal with - British & US, since the
late 1800s.
Breezy - Refers to alcohol-laden breath, or bonhomie brought about by
intoxication. US, mid 1800s.
Brewed out - In college slang, a "brew out" is a beer bust.
Brick in the hat
Bridgy/Bridgey - Early 1700s. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Bright in the eye - Tipsy. Refers to the sparkling expression in the eyes
when one is slightly intoxicated. British, late 1800s.
Bromian - Drunk and riotously merry. From "Bromius," one of the
many names of Dionysus/Bacchus, which comes from ancient Greek for "to
Bruised - US, since the mid 1800s.
Bubbed - "Bub" is strong drink of any kind. To "bub"
is to drink.
Bubbly - In British army slang, "bubbly" is rum.
Bubby - Probably from "bub," beer or alcoholic drink; or
"bubber," a drinking bowl or beer drinker. British, 1600s.
Bucket is crackers
Budgy/Budgey - "Budge" is liquor, and may be a corruption of
"booze." British & US, late 1800s to early 1900s.
Buffed - Tipsy.
Buffy - Possibly a corruption of "Bevvy" or "Budgy."
British & US, since circa 1859.
Bug-eyed - Heavy-eyed from too much drink.
Bugged up
Bulged - To "go on a bulge" means to drink to excess.
Bull-dozed - Very drunk. One source lists this as an Australian term that
stems from "a dose of the bull," a beating with a rawhide strip.
Another source states that it comes from the nautical practice of
"bulling the cask," namely, pouring water into an empty rum cask to
keep the wood moist. Because the water could leech out the rum in the wood, it
would thus become quite intoxicating. Since circa 1935.
Bullet proofed/Bulletproofed
Bulletproof and invisible - Possibly because intoxication sometimes gives a feeling of invincibility.
Bummed out - In a bad mood, depressed. From drug slang "bummer"
for a bad trip.
Bumpsy/Bumpsie - Slightly drunk, tipsy. Possibly related to
"bumper," a full glass. Or, because a staggering drunk has a
tendency to bump into things. British, early 1600s.
Bung - Tipsy. Of Scottish origin. British, early1700s.
Bung-eyed - Cf. "Has bunged one's
Bungay Fair - See "Been to Bungay Fair and broken
both one's legs."
Bunged - Tipsy. A "bung" is a drunkard; this may come from the
"bung" to stop up a barrel, or be a shortening of "Bungay
fair." South African, since circa 1935.
Bungfu - Shortening of the following. US, circa 1900.
Bungfull/Bung-full - See "Bunged."
Bungy/Bungey/Bungie - Widespread, 1700s to 1800s.
Bunked - Somewhere between buzzed and drunk. College slang.
Bunned - A "bun" is a state of intoxication, a
"buzz." US, since circa 1919.
Buoyant - High, happy. Or, because one's teeth are floating (cf.
"Back teeth afloat").
Burdocked/Burdock'd - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Buried/Burried - US, early 1900s.
Burned out - Tired and depressed after the effects of alcohol have worn
out. A "burn out" is (or was) teen slang for one who abuses alcohol
or drugs. May have originated as a drug term.
Burned to the ground
Burning with a low blue flame - From the fact that alcohol gives off a
blue flame when burning. US, since the mid 1900s.
Burns with a low flame - As drunk as possible. From the imagery of a fire
about to go out.
Burnt/Burned one's shoulder - To "burn one" means to draw a
glass of beer.
Burst - A "burst" is a drunken spree.
Busted in - Can mean "hung over" as well. College slang.
Busky/Buskey - Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
Busted - A "bust" is a drinking spree. A "busthead"
is a drunkard, esp. a drifter or hobo.
Butt - Extremely drunk. College slang in Massachusetts.
Butt ugly
Buzzed - Tipsy. US, since the mid 1900s.
Buzzed up - Mildly intoxicated. A "buzz on" is mild
drunkenness. US, since the mid 1900s.
Buzzy/Buzzey - Since the early 1700s. Noted by Benjamin Franklin.
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